The Problem with the Universal Title and Why It Needs Goldberg and Lesnar

RAW's ratings have been low the last few weeks, yet only someone living under a rock wouldn't know that Goldberg faces Kevin Owens for the Universal Championship at Fastlane on the road to Wrestlemania. Even before it was booked, there'd been talk of Goldberg actually winning the title and defending it against Brock at Mania. A couple places, to my surprise, are against the idea while I am 100% for it.

Image result for goldberg universal heavyweight champion
This sight could be the best idea for WWE at the
Now don't get me wrong, I understand problems detractors of the prospect have, and they are easy to see. Both are part-timers, Goldberg is not staying, neither man really needs it, their matchup is big enough, and on and on.

That said, I think people are looking at the circumstances from the wrong angle. It's not about what Goldberg or Brock Lesnar needs, it's about what's best for the Universal Championship.

The belt is not even a year old but it is already devalued by controversy, based on how Owens won it, and that is just the beginning. Owens, remember, is the plan B; the UC was awarded initially to Finn Balor. He deserves it, obviously, but that isn't the best way to introduce a brand new top-tier prize. Even by wrestling terms (predetermined, prop or not), Triple H all but handed it to these two men in a rushed or forced sort of way, similar to how he was handed a world title by Eric Bischoff out of a briefcase.

Image result for hhh bischoff world title
When HHH "won" this World Championship, it was just given to him.
Being on the RAW Brand helped, along with a wishy-washy lip service to
lineage, but it was his status as a top guy that ultimately made it matter.

And suddenly, that was the most important championship in the company, mostly because of who held it, regardless of all the drama earlier in the same year to unify and cement the Undisputed Title.

Instead, they could've set up a tournament in either case and let Trips or Finn or KO chase the strap. Then he can win it at a major pay per view or event after a sizable build and anticipation. That worked for Balor in NXT, which is the greatest thing going for WWE right now.

Image result for wwe nxt tournament
Tournaments build suspense and imply a plan for the future,
something that is a lost art with Creative on the main roster today.
But therein lies another problem: NXT is not the A show and being established and pushed hard there because you were over in Japan is one thing. Being over with a RAW audience, difficult as it may be at present, is another. Finn Balor and Kevin Owens have "it": they are dynamic workers with the credibility to be superstars in the New Era.

However, RAW viewers and casual fans -- the average person tuning in for the first time in a long time -- don't see that yet. Which is why you need guys with name value, who are over and have been over, who are huge and highly credible; guys (say, two) who have legacies.

Enter Goldberg and Brock. Neither man needs an introduction, and they most certainly will be the main at this year's Mania, which is exactly where the top belt should be on the card.

Image result for universal championship wrestlemania
The Universal Title is supposed to mean
something. Time to prove it.
Again, some stories are bigger than titles, I get that, but this is a crucial time when WWE are not only struggling to make new stars and boost ratings. They are also trying to give RAW an identity post-Brand Split and attach legitimacy to what is supposed to be the most prestigious honor in the business today.

When it comes to the UC, nobody has any reason to think it is until it gets put to the test on the Grandest Stage of Them All in a virtual grudge match for the ages.

Where a championship is defended (venue, event, which part of and what time on the show) matters. Who is chasing it matters even more. They don't come any bigger than Goldberg and Lesnar. Whoever comes out the victor will spell a real and resounding win for that Univeral Championship. 


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